AAC in the IEP
Ensuring inclusion of AAC in the IEP
“Does the student need assistive technology devices and/or services?” should be marked YES!
These following description should be added within the “Supplementary Aids and Services” section of the IEP: “High-tech, dynamic-display, voice-output device running robust communication software with access to: 60+ symbols per page-set, a full keyboard, 300+ high-frequency/core words, fringe vocabulary, pre-programmed messages, and word forms.”
These statements should be added within the accommodations section:
The high-tech, dynamic-display, voice-output device will be available and accessible in all school settings and at all times.
At no point will the high-tech, dynamic-display, voice-output device be withheld.
No hand-over-hand or prompting will be used as a means of teaching use of the high-tech, dynamic-display, voice-output device.
Aided language input/modeling will be used to show ways they could communicate without the expectation of imitation or response.
All forms of communication (e.g., gestures, approximations, symbolic communication, facial expressions, whole body movement, etc.) will be validated and accepted.
If and when STUDENT rejects modeling via their high-tech, dynamic-display, voice-output device, other forms of AAC will be used to model (e.g., different high-tech device, light-tech copy of STUDENT’s vocabulary).